5 Tips To Help You Find A Bad Credit Loan
If you need a loan but have experienced bad credit, here’s some tips and helpful info to give you the best chance to be approved.
Read MoreWhen your financial situation seems overwhelming, we want you to know that you have options. And we’re always here to help.
Too often, people declare bankruptcy or financial insolvency when they find themselves in financial hardship.
But, far from the ‘fresh start’ it claims to be, this can lead to further implications. After declaring bankruptcy, you might find yourself:
Permanently listed on a register that is accessible by landlords and employers
Having overseas travel banned
Being forced to sell assets
Having your income and business affected
Being unable to use banks, service providers and lenders
There are other options for you.
The Australian Government has a range of free resources available.
Before declaring bankruptcy, check out the Australian Financial Security Authority website. Or, access their free financial counsellors for unbiased and independent advice.
Want to learn more? These videos can help you explore options.
Experiencing problems paying your loan? We understand. And we have lots of ways to help.
Our hardship relief options include reducing loan repayments, temporarily stopping interest and preventing additional fees. So, before you consider declaring bankruptcy or dealing with a debt repair agency, speak with our friendly, understanding team on 1300 324 746.