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Renting Checklist – What should I know before renting?

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Before renting a property, make sure you:

Understand what you are entitled to as the tenant

Understand what is expected of you by the landlord/agent

To ensure a hassle-free renting experience, please read our checklists below.

Your Entitlements as a Tenant

Read the lease document and make sure you understand all of the terms and conditions.

Check to see who pays for items such as water rates, who is responsible for repairing essential services such as water heaters, plumbing, electricity etc. and who must look after any gardens/lawns.

If nothing is mentioned, or you are unclear, ask the questions and have it added into the lease so there will be no discrepancies.

You are entitled to a receipt that confirms how much rental bond you have paid. Also, the landlord/agent should confirm that your bond has been lodged with the relevant state government office or financial institution.

You’re entitled to notify the agent in writing of any damage already sustained to the property before you move in, so you are not liable for it.

If you are uncertain about something in your lease, you are also able to contact the Department of Fair Trading in your state who can provide guidance. Click below for your state’s department.

NSW         VIC           QLD          WA           NT            SA             ACT           TAS

Your Obligations as a Tenant

You must sign a lease and pay a rental bond.

You must pay your rent on time.

You must always look after the property.

Always be prepared and obliging when rental inspections are due.

Uphold any payment agreements such as water usage, electricity etc.

Be respectful of neighbours, council requirements (rubbish etc.) and parking arrangements.

What if I am ready to rent, but don’t have enough for the rental bond?

If you get stuck and don’t have enough saved for the rental bond, there are a number of finance loans available that can assist.

At Fair Go Finance, we have a specific personal loan called a bond loan which can be used toward paying your rental bond as well as any other moving expenses you anticipate.

Apply today and you could be planning your move tomorrow.